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MLB 08

Click here to buy this : MLB 08: The Show
MLB 08 THE SHOW is set to provide fans with the most realistic baseball experience to date with innovations such as a more immersive Road to The Show mode, enabling gamers to play both offense and defense from the created player's perspective. Providing players with some additional performance incentives, the MLB franchise introduces the Progressive Batting Performance feature, which will both reward players for superior performance and penalize them for hitting slumps. Specific to each individual
batter, players will be rewarded with slight contact bonuses, or punished with slight decreases in contact, based on how that batter performs beyond his "natural ability." MLB 08 THE SHOW introduces SCOUT (SportsConnect Online User Tracking), which allows you to set and store your game preferences on the MLB server, and enables the system to look for a Quick Match with opponents that fits similar competitive criteria. Exhibition Mode/Quick Game - Gamers can select their favorite team and compete against the AI for a quick game on the go Historical Greats - Offers Historical Greats, giving them the opportunity to go against the legends of the past Release Point Pitching with Confidence Meter - The ultimate pitcher/batter interface returns Playmaker Fielding- The fielding interface brings the player attributes together with the user's skill level Multi-Branch Fielding - Branch Point Technology goes to a new level as gamers can now take full control of fielders and break out of any animation in the process User Controlled Slides - Players can now control base runners in attempts to advance and/or score MLB Authenticity - Presents fans with finer details and nuances that make the game America's past

Wrap Up

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